
Software Localizer
Current Version 12.0 released in July 2024.
What's New...
RC-WinTrans is a software localization tool for Windows software files such as
Microsoft .NET,
and more. Primary qualities include: organizational features that simplify work with multiple files, multiple
projects and multiple translators; specialized checks and data views that address the unique circumstances of
software localization and eliminate unnecessary errors; integrated use of dictionaries and translation memories
that support the translation process; automated processes facilitating the localization process overall.
RC-WinTrans also comes fully integrated with Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to allow for
RC-WinTrans Products
Professional Edition
The full RC-WinTrans software localization environment and its complete set of project management and translation features
with no restrictions on functionality.
Translator Edition
When certain project management capabilities aren't required, the Translator Edition offers all the benefits of
comprehensive localization support at a more economical purchase price. Used to open and modify an existing translation
project created with the RC-WinTrans Professional Edition, its three restrictions on functionality are: (1) new translation
projects cannot be created, (2) files cannot be added to or removed from an existing project, and (3) no command line
support. All other aspects of the RC-WinTrans software localization environment - editors, displays, checks, etc. - are the
same as in the Professional Edition.
Translator Group License
The Translator Group License is designed for companies using a number of internal or external translators in their
localization process. A licensing package sold as a cost-effective alternative to purchasing several individual
RC-WinTrans licenses, the Translator Group License consists of:
(1) one single-user license of the RC-WinTrans Professional Edition to cover project management needs, and
(2) one multi-user license of 20x RC-WinTrans Translator Edition.

SDL Trados Translation Memory Add-On TM Workbench Application
The TM Workbench Add-On extends RC-WinTrans' functionality with access to a translation memory (TM) file (.sdltm)
from SDL Trados. The add-on connects with an SDL Trados TM to quickly and easily supply translations while
working with RC-WinTrans. A selected TM can also be expanded with new entries and updated by modifying or deleting texts.
Opened in its own window outside the main RC-WinTrans application, the TM Workbench has multiple display panels, including one listing the
TM's contents, another listing the results of a search, plus two more comparing translation units (source and target texts) in the TM and in
See more product details...

Machine Translator Add-On
This add-on extends RC-WinTrans' functionality with access to machine translations via the Internet.
It connects with the
Google™ Translate,
Microsoft® Translator,
DeepL Translate
online machine translation systems to quickly and easily supply translators with machine-generated translations while working with RC-WinTrans.
These systems support dozens of languages where any one can be used as the source or the target language.
The required language pair is automatically selected by RC-WinTrans.
See more Machine Translator Add-On product details...