RC-WinTrans provides extensive support for the localization of Windows Win32 and Visual Studio MFC software. Microsoft Visual Studio
is the primary supported development platform where the C++ programming language is used (with or without using the MFC library).
The following file types are supported:
RC, DLG (resource script files)
EXE (binary application files)
DLL (binary dynamic library files)
MFCRibbon-MS (MFC Ribbon XML files)
OCX (ActiveX control files)
Dialog Box Resources
RC-WinTrans has an integrated "Dialog Box" view and Layout Editor for the localization of dialog boxes. The "Dialog Box" view
displays a dialog box resource in WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) mode while the Layout Editor lets you edit the layout
to adapt it to the requirements of the target language.
Menu Resources
Menu resources can be edited through a menu tree view showing the structure of a menu. A menu preview is also
available for viewing a translated menu as an actual Windows menu.
Image Resources
Images and icons can be "translated" using your preferred graphics tool(s). RC-WinTrans starts the
graphic tool with the source image and imports the created image as the "translated" target image.
Third-Party ActiveX Controls
A Win32 resource script file (RC) (and consequently binary Win32 EXE and DLL files as well) can contain the binary
property data of an ActiveX control as streamed binary data in a DLGINIT resource. A DLGINIT resource belongs to a
dialog box resource that contains the ActiveX control. RC-WinTrans handles this binary data so that it can be
translated / localized.
An example of this would be one of the popular grid controls from
FarPoint technologies (Spread 7)
ComponentOne (FlexGrid 8)
The text data of these controls (such as the column header text) is saved in binary in the RC or EXE files
of your software. Translation of a control's text with RC-WinTrans occurs as follows:
The grid control is displayed in the context of the respective dialog box resource (true WYSIWYG).
RC-WinTrans allows the respective Grid Editor to be opened for editing the controls.
RC-WinTrans handles the translated (binary) data for the respective translated target file.
A dialog box with a Spread 7 control from FarPoint Technologies. Language: English.
The dialog box from the figure above translated with RC-WinTrans. Language: German.
Stringtable strings are listed in the "Text Table" view of RC-WinTrans and a selected stringtable
string can be translated/edited in the "Translation Edit" bar.
MFC Ribbon Bar Resources
MFC Ribbon Bar resources can be translated and the Ribbon Bar Viewer is used to show
(preview) a ribbon bar with the source or the translation text.
The Ribbon Bar Viewer showing an MFC Ribbon Bar with the English source text.
The Ribbon Bar Viewer showing the MFC Ribbon Bar with the Japanese translations.
A resource type editor supports the editing and display of shortcuts used in a Ribbon Bar.
Custom Resource Types
A custom resource can be saved to a file, translated externally, then reimported as the target data.
Usually files like PDF, TXT or XML are added as custom resources.
Accelerator Table Resources
Accelerator keys of accelerator table resources can be edited with a suitable resource type editor.
Last updated: June 2013