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20.05.2013 21:28:54
Write Target File WARNING Message

Hello jin3355,

Your target icon will be different than the source icon.
The target icon must have the same number of images, each with the same size, as the source icon!
Maybe the colors must match as well (mono, 16 colors...)?!

Example: When your source icon has two images (e.g., 16x16 and 32x32) then the target icon must also have two images with the same size.

Please check this.

Save the source icon to an icon file (.ico), edit this .ico file with an icon editor, then use the "translated"/edited .ico file as the target icon.
This is the best way to get a valid target icon.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 02.07.2013
17.07.2013 23:00:32
How to use the file.ressource.dll (c#)

Hello Masternoob,
place each of the language DLL in the respective language subdirectory (e.g. "en", ja-JP", "fr-FR") to the main assembly.

When the main application does not handle to select the language to be used then the language DLL is used which fits to the language of the current Windows system (current locale language).

Note: The name of the subdirectory (the language code) must (!) be identical to the language code of the language DLL. You can use ildasm.exe or e.g. the ".NET Reflector tool to look into the language DLL for the language code of a language DLL.

Support Schaudin.com
18.07.2013 14:46:32
How to use the file.ressource.dll (c#)

Please send me the language DLL if this is possible for you. I would like to have a look into.
Send the file to support@schaudin.com . Subject: "How to use the file .resources.dll".

Support, Schaudin.com
14.08.2013 13:34:24
Error (190): The data file could not be saved:

please give me a copy of the whole content in the Output-Tab.
You can also send it to support@schaudin.com if you want. Subject: "Error 190"

I still do not know what is the reason.
The "Error 190" is thrown when the XML data file (database) for a source file and a target language cannot be saved.

Question: Is your project using an an .fsmdb file as database or is it using single XML data files (.rwtxlf) as database?

Support, Schaudin.com
23.08.2013 00:02:31
Error when starting RcWinTrans 9.3

Hello Masternoob,

this "License Error" message comes from the Microsoft VBA environment (Visual Basic 6.0) which is used by RC-WinTrans. There seems to be anything wrong with any common MS ActiveX component (?) or with a registration (?).

See the Microsoft support: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/194751

Please try running the Microsoft tool Vb6cli.exe:

Support, Schaudin.com
02.10.2013 15:39:47
Excessive RAM usage when writing PTVs

Hello Sébastien,

your image is not shown in your posting. You can send your image to our support team: support@schaudin.com

Question: How many languages have you set to be visible?
-> Use the "Languages" dialog to set only one target language to be visible- source and ONE target language.

RC-WinTrans 9 was initially designed to show and work with the source data and (only) one target language. Displaying several target languages may be the cause of the problems, especially because of the large number of items (about 10,000).

The predecessor RC-WinTrans 7 has a simpler design that is more suited to displaying and editing several languages at once.

Please let me know if it works with only one target language visible in your RC-WinTrans 9.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 03.10.2013
04.10.2013 16:17:04
Error (164) during migration

Hello mterzieva,

>> Error (164): Failed to run the macro. The parameters may be wrong.

The error comes from the VBA system (the migration is implemented in a VBA macro).
Because you have this "license error" ("Failed to run the macro") from the VBA system
(your question 1 below) this may indicate a problem with the integrated VBA (?) or
VBA components.

Alternatively you can perform the migration manually:

- Open your .edb file with RC-WinTrans 7 and write/create the translated target DLLs.
- RC-WinTrans 9: Create a translation project. Create the target languages.
- RC-WinTrans 9: For each target language import the respective language DLL (created with V7).
- Use the menu command "Files" | "Import" | "Import from Existing Translated File...".

Your questions (1-3):

Q 1.
>> Could the reason be that WinTrans is installed on Windows 8 and has some VBA problems
>> (I've got the "License error" at startup of WinTrans 9 and installing Visual Basic 6 doesn't seem to help)?

RC-WinTrans 9.3:
This error has been reported by a Windows XP user as well. (Re-)Installing VB6 does not help.
We still do not know what causes this "license error."

It seems that this error has come up with the extension of our system macros file "SystemMacros.macro"
(RC-WinTrans 9.3). We cannot reproduce this error but with our previous system macro (from
RC-WinTrans 9.2) there is no error (as fas as we know).

Please try downloading the following zip file and replacing the macroa file in your RC-WinTrans 9.3
installation: http://rc-wintrans.schaudin.com/support/VBAMacrosV92.zip

VBA macros file: "SystemMacros.macro" (S-1914, May 2012)
Folder: .\RC-WinTrans\RC-WinTrans 9 Global\VBAMacros\

To verify the active macro's version numbers use the following commands:
"Help" / "?" | "About RC-WinTrans.." | "Add-Ons & VBA Macros Files" tab

Please replace the macros file in your RC-WinTrans 9.3 installation and let me know if the "license error"
is gone.

Q 2. N/A

Q 3.
>> Why is import of txt, excel, tmx disabled? Under what conditions is it enabled?

Because no item is selected in the list view. Select all the items (Ctrl+A) you want to export.

Note: In the exported files (Excel and TXT) the named column headers are different in V7 and the new
V9. You will have to specify the column in the Import Assistant so RC-WinTrans 9 can import the data.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 31.10.2013
31.10.2013 21:19:00
Empty database

Hello Lakuda,

no, no changes or news. We don't think the problem is created or caused by the RC-WinTrans

There have been only a very few users with this problem but those users also potentially get
the error at another time.

We think the error occurs around the database engine when saving a (longer) XML file to the
Access database (.fsmdb). We are using ADO to access the database. But we think it could also
be a problem with the XML system (MSXML).

Your run-time environment may cause this to happen.

At this time I am unable to determine the reason for this problem.

Support, Schaudin.com
05.11.2013 22:27:08
Script error on Windows 8.1

Hello jmv,

1. V9.3 and V9.2 Installed on Same Machine
You should only have one RC-WinTrans 9 installed!
There are many RC-WinTrans COM objects that are registered by the setup but these objects can only be registered once
(for only one RC-WinTrans installation).
The objects will be registered for the RC-WinTrans 9 that was installed last.
Your installation: The COM objects are located and used in the RC-WinTrans 9.3 folder (when you have installed V9.3 after V9.2).
In starting RC-WinTrans 9.2 the components from RC-WinTrans 9.3 will be used (when you have installed V9.3 after V9.2).

2. HTML Script Error: "An error has occurred in the script on this page".
The "Start Page" is an HTML page opened in Internet Explorer (ActiveX control).
The "Start Page" contains an "RC-WinTrans" ActiveX control and uses Java script.

I see the following possible reasons:

a) The problem may exist because you have installed both V9.3 and V9.2. The "RC-WinTrans" ActiveX control
is registered for one of the two installations.
HTML page: Line 107 (script code, "RCWinTrans" is an ActiveX control)
Set Workspace = RCWinTrans.Application.Workspace

Question: Your image shows the error for RC-WinTrans 9.2. What happens when you start RC-WinTrans 9.3?

b) The problem could also be that using the RC-WinTrans ActiveX control in the script of the HTML page is not allowed
(security setting?).

>> This error occurs for each HTML UI page with a "RCWintrans.application" call.

Yes. Each HTML UI page is using an "RCWinTrans" ActiveX control.
Each has the same problem- the "RCWinTrans" ActiveX control fails to be used.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 20.11.2013
20.11.2013 22:58:35
Script error on Windows 8.1

Hello Amber,

it will take until next week (Nov. 25) before we will have the first results for this problem under Windows 8.1.

In the meantime you can skip the "Start Page" to at least avoid the script error when starting RC-WinTrans.
"Tools" | "Options" | "User Interface" tab
Uncheck the option "Show Start Page".

We do not have a workaround for the integrated Excel import/export other than switching to the MS Excel
Import/Export Add-On; however this add-on is not included with your RC-WinTrans.

Please wait until we have results for Windows 8.1.

Support, Schaudin.com
21.11.2013 22:25:17
Script error on Windows 8.1

Hello Amber,

the RC-WinTrans ActiveX control may not have been registered on your system (by the RC-WinTrans setup).
I have a small program to check this.
Please download "RWTObjectsTest.zip" and start RWTObjectsTest.exe with "Run as administrator".
Command button: "Check available...".

When the control is not registered then the RC-WinTrans application itself also may not be registred.
...but first check the control please.

Support, Schaudin.com
21.11.2013 23:17:20
Script error on Windows 8.1

Thank you. When it says that the ActiveX control is registered then it is OK.
Registering may fail because you do not have started the program with "Run as administrator". It is not necessary to register the control again.

Please wait for our Windows 8.1 results.

Support, Schaudin.com
25.11.2013 11:00:57
Script error on Windows 8.1

Hallo jmv,

thank you.
I want to send you a new version of our "Excel Import/Export" add-on next. Please use this add-on.
You can do the same with this add-on as with the integrated Excel solution.

Support, Schaudin.com
02.12.2013 20:21:39
Error (404): The converter "NETFilesConverter.Conv

Hello nolan,

there is a non-text property item translated which should not be translated.

RC-WinTrans lists also non-text proerties like e.g. ".RighToLeft" (see the "Name/ID" column)
which have e.g. a value "True" or "Inherit". Often it is an item listed as "Unknown Type" in the
"Name/ID" column.

The invalid translation value you can see in the Output tab a few lines before the last error output lines.
Example (error output):
. 'ArgumentException' Exception caught:
. ResX file Falsch is not a valid value for Boolean. Line 130, position 5. cannot be parsed.

Here: the invalid translation is the German word "Falsch".

Check first if it is an "Unknown Type" which is translated. Set the "Unknown Types" to be visible. Use: "View" | "Custom .NET Types (Unknown Type)"
To fix the problem just delete the translation for this item. To avoid translating this item again set the item also as "Excluded from Translation" (Ctrl+E).

Please let me know if you cannot find the item.

Support, Schaudin.com
19.12.2013 21:58:13
RC-WinTrans 9.3 Wintrans.Exit() not working

Hello Kamensh!

> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Is it (1) your application which gets this message returned?
Or (2) is it an output in the RC-WinTrans Output window?

If (2) then it comes from the RC-WinTrans VBA system (a VBA macro) and can be ignored (usually). I don't think this is the reason for the Non-Exit.
The reason will be a (RC-WinTrans) COM object which has not been released.

Possible reasons:
1. you have requested an object from RC-WinTrans and it has not been release before unsing Exit().
Release the object first.

2. a "for .. each ..." loop (.NET) causes this problem. It produces the same problem as (1).
The loop must be realized/coded in a different way. I can help how to do.

Find out which code executed prevents RC-WinTrans to exit. Skip code until RC-WinTrans closes with Exit().

I checked once again the Exit() works for V9. I used a .NET C# as well as a C++ sample application.

Support, Schaudin.com
28.12.2013 19:53:01
RC-WinTrans 9.3 Wintrans.Exit() not working

It can be reproduced using your code.

There is an unhandled exception when you delete the file in the temp dir:
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred in mscorlib.dll"

Remove this code and it works.

Note: RC-WinTrans removes all temporary files in this folder on exit.
You do not need to clear the temp RC-WinTrans directory. It is done by RC-WinTrans.

Support, Schaudin.com
06.01.2014 11:14:08
Cnverter "SystemMacros.ConvRC.XliffToFormatFile"

Hello sebastian,

there is no problem known with this error message.
Can you send us your file so we can reproduce this?
Please send the file to support@schaudin.com.

Support, Schaudin.com
20.01.2014 17:53:28
Error (190): The data file could not be saved:

Hello Balkin,
we do not know what was or is the reason.
We think the problem is in the common database engine or maybe a problem with the rights of the user on the system (?).
We could not reproduce such an error.

Support, Schaudin.com
27.01.2014 11:31:58
Utf-8 output for Java resource bundle file

Hello lakuda,
what type (format) is your .strings file?
Is it a Tab separated text file "ID <TAB> Text"> format (.txt)
or and XML file (.xml)?

Support, Schaudin.com
27.01.2014 12:02:32
Utf-8 output for Java resource bundle file

Hello lakuda,

RC-WinTrans will uses the file converter for ".NET Resources in Text File Format" for this file.
If so, then the encoding for the target file cannot be changed (different to the source file).
...not in RC-WinTrans up to version 9.3.

Check if it is possible to change the encoding for the target file:
Open the "Target Files" dialog box, select the target file and press the button "Encoding...".
Menu command: "Project" | "Target Files..." | "Encoding..." (button)

It will be possible with the upcomming RC-WinTrans 9.4 in February 2014.
as a workaround you can change the encoding of the source file to utf-8 using e.g. Notepad.exe.
Then the target file cereated by RC-WinTrans will also be in utf-8.

Support, Schaudin.com
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