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Home » RC-WinTrans Support » Error when starting RcWinTrans 9.3

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22.08.2013 15:25:53

Posts: 4
Hello, I tried to install RcWinTrans 9.3 on my Server (Windows Server 2008 R2, 64 Bit), but when i start i get the following Error:

"License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment."

When i click "ok" the VB Editor starts and it opens the file "NewsHandling" and it is the the function "Function OnInitModule() As Boolean" and the line IniValue = InifileFunctions.GetAppIniEntry(INISECTION_NEWS, INIENTRY_URL) is highlighted
Version 9.1 of RcWinTrans works fine.

Thanks for your help in advance
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23.08.2013 00:02:31

Posts: 245
Hello Masternoob,

this "License Error" message comes from the Microsoft VBA environment (Visual Basic 6.0) which is used by RC-WinTrans. There seems to be anything wrong with any common MS ActiveX component (?) or with a registration (?).

See the Microsoft support: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/194751

Please try running the Microsoft tool Vb6cli.exe:

Support, Schaudin.com
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25.03.2014 15:54:50

Posts: 30
I have the same error after install v9.4. I tried to install VB6 but it fails. Even Microsoft says it's too old.

What can I do now?

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27.03.2014 20:41:35

Posts: 245
Hello HeiWoMa,

correct, the Microsoft tool Vb6cli.exe does not help to fix this problem for VBA.

The problem it documented in the Microsoft knowledgement base:

"When a control is installed for run time use only (such as those installed by an application
created with Visual Basic), if the Visual Basic Development Environment is installed onto the
same machine afterwards and the existing control is of equal or higher version than that from
the CD, the license key for that control is not updated. "

We still do not know how this can be fixed. Running the VBA installation once again does not help.

Support, Schaudin.com
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28.03.2014 08:13:09

Posts: 30
just to be sure:
It means that I can't run v9.4 on this computer.
How to solve it now? Install v9.4 on a VMware machine or keep v9.2? Seems that v9.2 is more WIN 8.1 compatible then v9.4.

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29.03.2014 21:05:37

Posts: 245
Visual Basic message:
"License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment."

Description (Microsoft): http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318597

Fix -- ToDo:
1. download: VB6CONTROLS.REG (Registry file. Contains the design time licenses for all of the VB6 controls.)
2. start the Registry Editor: click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. in the Registry Editor dialog box, click Import on the File menu.
4. select the VB6Controls.reg file, and then click Open. This step inserts all of the Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX Controls license keys in the registry.
5. ready.

Remark: RC-WinTrans 9.3 and RC-WinTrans 9.4 uses the ActiveX control mscomctl.ocx in the system macro file (SystremMacros.macro). The use of the mscomctl.ocx causes the error message from the VB system on your Windows system. The system macro from RC-WinTrans 9.2 (and earlier) did not make use of the mscomctl.ocx.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 30.03.2014
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31.03.2014 10:44:39

Posts: 30
Danke für die Hilfe.
Leider geht es damit immer noch nicht.
Es kommt jetzt ein Dialog:
Microsoft Visual Basic
System Error &H80040111 (-2147221231). ClassFactory kann

angeforderte Klasse nicht liefern.

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22.09.2014 11:22:38

Posts: 30
I managed to make it working on Win8 and Win8.1.
Download: http://www.chip.de/downloads/Visual-Basic-2010-Express_24082907.html and install it.
Now RCWT v9.4 is working.

I did it this way:
- install RCWT v9.4 -> start it -> get Errors
- kill the task via Taskmanager
- download and install vbasic_web.exe
- start RCWT v9.4 -> works

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23.09.2014 22:14:35

Posts: 245
Very good. Thank you very much to let us know.

"License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment."
...it is (1) the version of the common control MSCOMCTL.ocx
and (2) missing license entries for this ocx in the Windows registry.

Our fix :

We are still updating the setup for RC-WinTrans 9.4 to install an up-to-date MSCOMCTL.ocx ( and to add the required license entries to the Windows registry.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 06.10.2014
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