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Home » RC-WinTrans Support » XML parser inserting English

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26.04.2016 11:59:33

Posts: 10

I have a set of XML files as input into WinTrans, with a format like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

- <resources>

<string Cd="1">Transfer service</string>

<string Cd="2">Payment to addressee only</string>

<string Cd="3">Notify payee</string>

<string Cd="4">Free of Charge</string>

<string Cd="5">Poste restante</string>


WinTrans correctly displays the English strings in the source column. I only have translations for a couple of the strings, so in the target language column I enter the translations that I have, and leave the other fields empty. When I generate the target file, the fields that should be empty have been filled with the English translation, like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

- <resources>

<string Cd="1">Transfer service</string>

<string Cd="2">Payment to addressee only</string>

<string Cd="3">Notify payee</string>

<string Cd="4">Bez naknade</string>

<string Cd="5">Post restant</string>


However, we need those fields to remain empty. This appears to be a bug to me. Please could you take a look?


Pascale Stephenson
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26.04.2016 14:42:00

Posts: 30
the source language is used for all non translated strings.
Just translate with a Space when you want to have it empty the the target file. I think it should work.

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15.05.2016 14:08:47

Posts: 245
Yes. This is correct.
Support, Schaudin.com
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02.09.2016 17:21:36

Posts: 10
I see, thanks.
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18.11.2016 14:38:30

Posts: 10
I am now doing a new version of this project, so I tried your suggestion and it didn't work. I need these fields to remain untranslated so that in the next iteration they still show as untranslated. If I enter a space as the translation, the state changes to 'translated'. If I manually set the State back to 'needs translation', the space is ignored and English string written as before. This means next iteration I will not see these strings that still need translation.

I am currently having to manually edit these strings to remove the English afterwards, and it is very frustrating! Surely this was not designed this way on purpose? I can't think of another scenario where the absence of a translation would require the source language to replace it.

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18.11.2016 21:55:12

Posts: 245
Hello Pascale,

> ...the space is ignored and English string written as before.
This is not possible. The source text (yours: English) is not used when using at least one character ( a space) as translation.
I've checked it once again. It works. As translation the space is used in the target file.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 18.11.2016
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Home » RC-WinTrans Support » XML parser inserting English

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