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rboutilier - all messages by user

29.03.2011 13:40:10
WPF Translation

One issue that I've noticed with the Tools | WPF | .NET Project update "x:Uid" attributes... command is that it does not quote the project name in the msbuild command line. Consequently, if the path to the project contains a space the command fails with the message

MSBUILD : error MSB1008: Only one project can be specified.
Switch: Release

The current workaround appears to be changing the project path so that it does not contain spaces, or running the msbuild command manually from the command line and include the quotation marks around the project path.
30.03.2011 21:19:30
WPF Editor

I am trying to get the WPF Editor to work and am running into some problems. First, I had issues with missing WPF references. I was finally able to determine that this was because my assemblies are .NET 4.0 assemblies and are not currently supported. I hope this support is added soon since all of our current projects target the 4.0 Framework.

I went back to one of our older projects and tried to work with that. I created a translation project for one of our assemblies that contains about 50 XAML files. Only a small handful of these actually open successfully in the Editor, however. The majority of them have one or more occurances of the following error:

Assembly 'RWTWPFProj' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference. Also, verify that your project and all referenced assemblies have been built.

This error seems to occur for each namespace declaration that is mapped to the current assembly. For instance, the XAML file in question is contained in my Faro.Ux assembly, and the declaration


generates the error. Am I doing something wrong?
11.05.2011 14:12:30
Command Line not works on Windows 7

From my experience, this issue can be avoided by running the installer "as Administrator" by right-clicking on the installer and selecting "Run as administrator". This should be a fairly easy to fix in the InstallShield project by setting the required execution level of the installer to "Administrator".
11.05.2011 14:19:34
Custom Properties Dialog Box does not work

I am attempting to define some of the custom properties in my .NET translation project as tooltips. I am able to bring up the Third-Party and Custom Types dialog and can select "tooltip" from the Resource type: list box, but the Apply button never activates and my change is not applied if I select OK.
11.05.2011 15:10:59
Visual Studio .NET Project Alignment browse dialog

The file filter in the Browse dialog of the .NET Resource Files Alignment dialog needs a new entry for Visual Studio 2010 files. Currently the Files of type: list box contains a single entry: VS .NET Project (*.vcproj; *.csproj; *vbproj). Visual Studio 2010 uses a new file extension for C++ projects (*.vcxproj). As a work-around, typing the full path of the .vcxproj file directly in the File name field will work.
18.05.2011 17:03:53
Custom Properties Dialog Box does not work

The project file is not write-protected. In fact, by inspecting the .rwtproject file I see that the [DOTNET_USERTYPES] section is being updated. I have the line "Hint=tooltip", which is consistent with the change I made in the dialog. However, this does not appear to actually do anything. All of the .Hint entries in the project still show up as type "Unknown/Non-Text" (and consequently do not show up in the "All Data with Text" view), and re-opening the dialog shows that the change is not persisted.
24.05.2011 21:07:40
Custom Properties Dialog Box does not work

I found that I am able to change the type successfully if the project uses a .fsmdb file for data storage. It does not work if the project uses .rwtxlf files for data storage. This is a problem for me, since I exclusively use the XML-based storage method for all of my projects. This should be easy to verify on your end, but let me know if you still need me to send my project.
29.06.2011 15:01:44
Unhandled exception in external .NET Forms Editor

I am having a problem opening a number of my UI elements in the external .NET Forms Editor. When I click the button to open the editor, it starts to load but eventually I get the following error dialog:

Abnormal program termination:

Unhandled Exception caught:
Method not found: 'Void
System.Threading.Monitor.Enter(System.Object, Boolean ByRef)'.
at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.ComponentModel.Component.Finalize()

Clicking OK in this dialog brings up another dialog

Abnormal program termination:

Application closed.

Clicking OK in this dialog brings up a final error dialog

RCWinTrans9.exe - Fatal Application Exit

RC-WinTrans abnormal Finished.

Clicking OK in this dialog closes the .NET forms editor and RC-WinTrans windows.

My application makes extensive use of DevExpress 2011 dll's for the UI. I can open certain dialogs with no problem, but others always generate this error. I haven't been able to establish a pattern.
01.07.2011 20:50:09
Unhandled exception in external .NET Forms Editor

I was able to determine the issue. My application targets .NET 4.0. When I open the dialogs in the .NET forms editor, the .NET 4.0 assemblies (System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, etc.) are missing. To address this, I was adding C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 as a component reference directory. This is what was causing the unhandled exception. When I remove this directory from the list of component reference directories, I no longer get the unhandled exception, but much of the UI does not render in the Forms Editor. Are there any plans to fully support .NET 4.0 in future versions of RC-WinTrans?
25.02.2014 15:58:09
DevExpress version support?

What versions of DevExpress dlls are supported in the .NET forms editor? The current version of our product uses DevExpress 13.1 controls, but they don't seem to render in the forms editor. Earlier versions (DevExpress 11.1, for instance) work as expected. If version 13.1 is not supported, are there any plans to support it in the near future?
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