28.02.2011 09:41:19
WPF Translation
Hello I'm trying to translate a WPF program.
There are two options in RC-WinTrans:
1. Use the exe as a source. This produces a .resources.dll file under a folder called after the choosen language (e.g. "en"). How can I choose this language at program startup? I tried Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en"); in the construcor of the App to no avail. Is there something else I have to do, or is there a sample available to use this method?
2. Use the xaml files as a source (this would be my preferred way, because I already use RC WinTrans to translate the resource files for C++ and Windows Forms apps). This produces _en.xaml files for each source file. How can I now integrate these files into my app? BTW: I already took a look at the samples in WPFProjects folder. It's not possible to build these projects, because of missing files. TIA Michael |
02.03.2011 15:30:11
WPF Translation
I now found a problem, which maybe a bug in RCWinTrans.
In AssemblyInfo.cs Microsoft says:
//In order to begin building localizable applications, set //<UICulture>CultureYouAreCodingWith</UICulture> in your .csproj file //inside a <PropertyGroup>.
If I do this, RCWinTrans cannot find any WPF resources in the exe anymore.
If I omit this line the exe crashes immediately. |
02.03.2011 15:47:04
WPF Translation
Support wrote:
You can use RC-WinTrans to prepare a Visual Studio WPF project (the XAML files) with the required "x:Uid" attributes. Use: "Tools" | "WPF" | ".NET Project update "x:Uid" attributes..." Select your Visual Studio project file (e.g. for C#: .csproj) . Then rebuild your WPF project to create the assembly (EXE or DLL) newly.
Doesn't do anything.
Running MSBuild.exe ... C:\Programme\RC-WinTrans\RC-WinTrans 9 Global\WPFProjects\BAMLBuild2010\MSBuild.exe /t:updateuid C:\mist\WpfSprachumschaltung\WpfSprachumschaltung\WpfSprachumschaltung.csproj Output:
03.03.2011 09:33:11
WPF Translation
Support wrote:
Nothing happens in RC-WinTrans but for your Visual Studio project. RC-WinTrans call the msbuild.exe (Microsoft command line tool) to add the "x:Uid" attributes to your VS project's source XAML files. Check the XAML files -- the elements should have "x:Uid" attribute now.
No, it doesn't add any x:Uid to the elements in xaml.
Shouldn't there be any output message in the RCWinTrans output? |
04.03.2011 08:03:44
Error (305)
Our translators in China get the error message
COpenXLIFFFilesystemDBbased::Init: Data file could not be extracted from database! Language: "zh-CHS" Error (305): The data file (DOM) could not be loaded: "zh-CHS." What does that mean?
They are using RC-WinTrans 9.1 Translator on a .NET Winforms project translating resx files.
Their statusbar shows translation status of 100%/100%, but if they send us the file, we see that only 83% are translated. |
04.03.2011 11:41:44
WPF Translation
It seems that RC-WinTrans is not able to start msbuild.exe. => no output and no uids
But putting the following lines into the prebuild event for the project did the trick:
$(MSBuildBinPath)\msbuild /t:updateuid $(ProjectPath) $(MSBuildBinPath)\msbuild /t:checkuid $(ProjectPath) |
17.03.2011 11:42:56
Error (305)
I found the problem: There were german umlauts in the file and pathnames of the resx files. All these files could not be translated on a chinese PC.
I understand we shouldn't use these characters, but maybe you could fix this in the next release. |
24.03.2011 08:22:20
Error (305)
The problem exists also on a japanese PC. It's not a problem of the target language, it's a problem of the PC used for tranlation. |
09.05.2014 15:56:28
Opening Workspace Modifies fsmdb-Files
I'm using RC-WinTrans I put multiple projects into one workspace. If I now open this workspace, RC-WinTrans modifies the fsmdb files of all projects, even if I didn't change anything. As I use a source control system on these files, this is a bad thing. Is there a way to tell RC-WinTrans not to modify the fsmdb files, if there was no modification to the translations?
TIA Michael |
16.05.2014 09:45:45
Opening Workspace Modifies fsmdb-Files
I'm using the source control system git which doesn't have any check-out feature, so this is not possible. |