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SB_Cakewalk - all messages by user

20.07.2016 17:41:41
Not all strings exported to Excel

Our Company just created a .NET-based application - it is the first time, so there isn't really much experience with internationalization best practices. I received the related .resx files and created a project.
Aside from strings tagged .text or .caption, there are several tagged .Hint - they will display a tooltip at runtime, and the parser keeps them visible but flags them as Type Unknown:

I am trying to export the list to Excel, but the .hint string don't get exported no matter how I try. Any suggestion? I really need to get them into the spreadsheets

Thank you
30.07.2016 17:01:48
Error (305)

Adding to this thread, as I have the same error but a very different scenario. I have a fairly large 5-lingual translation project (the db file is over 2 GB). the project itself is a single RC file containing a plethora of menus, dialogs, and string tables.
I spent about 2 days performing hotkey checks and resizings specifically on Brazilian Portuguese. Occasionally - like every hour or so - Wintrans would exit with an error but, nuisance aside, I have always been able to resume my work, never losing data. Until yesterday, when I tried to re-open the project, I got this:

COpenXLIFFFilesystemDBbased::Init: Data file could not be extracted from database! Language: "pt-BR"; File: "C:\AWANG\RCWIN\RCWin9\X5\2016.07\1. FIGSP\TTSRes.rc"
Error (305): The data file (DOM) could not be loaded: "pt-BR."

The other languages are still there and look fine, but Portuguese is devoid of data for either the source or the target. I can reconstruct the project if I have to; but, since I am pressured for time, I would love to recover my work on hotkeys and resizing, which is only stored somewhere in the database, provided that it isn't gone for good. Any suggestion?

Note: I have since found this thread and tried the fix suggested, but to no avail

Thank you
edited by SB_Cakewalk on 31.07.2016
09.08.2016 22:46:46
Can't get .NET previews in editor

We have translated a bunch of .resx files for a VisualStudio/DevExpress 2015 .NET project. At first, we didn't really set up the project sensibly - crammed only the .resx files in the same folder and just processed them - but it was enough for our purpose of translating.
Now it's resizing time. After looking at the documentation, I realized that I'd never get a decent preview if the .NET editor does not find the required controls. So, I basically cloned the project structure on my local machine and have specified the path in the .NET settings. Didn't do the trick.

Just for the sake of trying, I have re-created a translation project IN the structure, and grabbed the .resx files directly from the related folders as opposed to moving them out. Again, no luck getting WYSIWYG to render. Once more, I also specified the path in the .NET settings. No luck. I added as many paths as where the .resx files and the required .dlls reside, nothing. Finally, I tried to also load the required .dlls into the translation project, still nothing.

I am at a loss. Is it possible that this release (2015) of VisualStudio/DevExpress is not supported by WinTrans 10.2? Or am I doing something terribly wrong?
01.09.2016 23:32:46
Can't get .NET previews in editor

Thank you, I will send the resx files shortly
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