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Home » RC-WinTrans Support » Long process time for projects with added .NET dir

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08.02.2012 10:19:42

Posts: 24
I have several .NET projects i use WinTrans to translate. I use the EXE/DLL as the source in WinTrans, and the i get WinTrans to generate the translated satellite DLL. This works in the default configuration for most EXE/DLL translation.
Some of the WinTrans configuration can not pass or generate the files in the standard configuration. To get it to work i add .NET seacrch directory in the menu Tools|Options...|.NET
Now the thing is, this really slows the process down a lot, the process time is 100+ seconds.
For the projects where I do not have any .NET search directories added the time is only seconds or about 30 seconds for the biggest projects.

The .NET search dir i add contains some Developer Express DLLs.

So my questions is if there is a way I can speed the projects up with the added .NET search dirs ?

+1 permalink
14.02.2012 20:41:16

Posts: 245
Hi Alex,

>> So my questions is if there is a way I can speed the projects up with the added .NET search dirs ?

Processing .NET assemblies becomes slower as the number of .NET library files to be taken into account by RC-WinTrans increases. The DevExpress .NET library in particular has many components (DLLs) which must be loaded.

We will check to see if this can be improved and let you know what we find.

Tracy Lucas
+1 permalink

Home » RC-WinTrans Support » Long process time for projects with added .NET dir

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