For support issues and specific questions related to RC-WinTrans' use, features and functions.
06.06.2024 14:33:13
 AlexC Posts: 24
Hi, We are staring to use the .NET8 framework. I tried to look up if RC-WinTrans 11.5 actual support .NET8, but could not find anything about that. Can you help with an answer on that?
Thank you for the answer Alex
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10.06.2024 10:31:36
 Support Administrator Posts: 245
Helllo Alex,
.NET 8 is still not supported by RC-WinTrans.
I assume that:
1. Translating (reading/writing) .resx files will work because the .NET 4.0 Resource Reader/Writer is still used for the .resx files.
2. Reading/Writing .NET 8 assemblies (.exe, .dll) will not work because RC-WinTrans needs to use .NET 8 for this operations.
Ir you want, please send me one of your.NET 8 assembly files and a .resx file. I will verify 1.) and 2.). Email to:
Regards, Werner
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10.06.2024 12:57:24
 AlexC Posts: 24
Thank you for the answer.
Will RC-WinTrans have .NET 8 support in the upcomming version 12?
Or do you have another plan to include NET 8 support in WinTrans , in a update to version 12 or in a later release?
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11.06.2024 12:42:28
 Support Administrator Posts: 245
Hello Alex,
> Will RC-WinTrans have .NET 8 support in the upcomming version 12? > Yes. ...for an update of RC-WinTrans 12 -- version 12 is already going to be released.
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12.06.2024 08:27:26
 AlexC Posts: 24
Hi Thanks for that answer. Do you have a date for when an update to version 12 with .NET8 support will be released ?
We have an release later this year, in the fall properly something like September or October, so we are planning if we should stick with passing and generating assemblies or we should rework to work on resx files instead. Best regards Alex
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12.06.2024 11:28:30
 Support Administrator Posts: 245
Hello Alex,
I'm sorry, but.NET 8 is not being planed to be supported for this year.
If you want, please send me one of your .NET 8 .resx files and I will check if .NET 8 .resx files can be localizied right away.
Regards, Werner
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