For support issues and specific questions related to RC-WinTrans' use, features and functions.
01.06.2023 17:25:57
 AlexC Posts: 24
Hi I just updated to RC-WinTrans 11 Professional version Now I get the following error message: Error (213): The user macros file "C:\ProgramData\RC-WinTrans\Add-Ons\Empty1.macro" does not exist. The file is not there, but everything seems to be working. I am not sure on how concerned I should be about this error message.
Thanks for the help Alex
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01.06.2023 23:16:05
 Support Administrator Posts: 245
Hello Alex,
Please ignore this message. The VBA macro file "Empty1.macro" did not have any functionality and is not included any more when installing RC-WinTrans.
Regards, Support
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02.06.2023 07:41:53
 AlexC Posts: 24
Thank you for your fast answer. Also thank for you for bringing this forum back online, it was actual missed. Best regards Alex
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02.08.2023 12:27:37
 Support Administrator Posts: 245
Hello Alex,
Thanks for your reply. You are very welcome.
I also think the user forum is a good option for keeping in touch with our users and for offering help and info. Unfortunately, it's still the target of continuous spam attacks. Since an update for the forum software is no longer available, we will need to shut it down.
We continue to be available for questions, suggestions, and support requests via our support email:
Sincerely, Werner Schaudin
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