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19.11.2015 12:06:41
Jan Bronka Posts: 6
During execution of RWTCmd (RC Wintrans v. 10) from time to time application returns error code -1.
Important seems is that any calls of RWTCmd does not have /a or /keepalive arguement (it is strongly expected as RCWinTrans with this arguments does not deallocate memory)
Process we have implemented: 1. checks if database is up to date (argument /IsUpToDate) 2. If database need to be updated we call argument /Update 3. Finally we generate output file using /WriteTargetFile
Error code -1 is returned (not always) on any step of our process. Problem does not occure if all calls are with /a or /keepalive
Can you please tell us what -1 error code means ?
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