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Home » RC-WinTrans Support » WinTrans 9.4 ignores some translations from X8

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02.09.2014 13:52:26

Posts: 2

We've upgraded to WinTrans 9.4 because we need .NET 4.0 support. When opening our WinTrans X8 projects in 9.4 and updating our source files, some existing translations are being ignored and marked for translation again.

Obviously we don't want to have to re-translate all these phrases into our 10+ languages again. Is there anything that can be done to avoid this?

Specifically we're seeing changes like this diff illustrates:

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03.09.2014 11:20:05

Posts: 245
Hello phild,

RC-WinTrans 9 was configured to make known the DevExpress properties ".Caption" and ".Description" as text to be translated.
Before: This properties have been added to the database as of restype "Unkonwn" (restype="x-unknown").

As a result of the "changed" resource tpye, the update module of RC-WinTrans takes the item as a new item. A previous entry in the database (with restype="x-unknown") will be removed and the item added as new item with the appropriated resource type. For the update module, a change of the resource type is the same as it is an other item as before.

A translation for this DevExpress items is going lost when the item is added newly with the correct resource type.
We are very sorry for having any troubles and the need to retranslate this items.

Support, Schaudin.com
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03.09.2014 14:38:28

Posts: 2
We've also noticed some other translations being ignored, where WinTrans has decided to generate a new rwt:crc attribute for no discernable reason when importing translations from an xlf file:

Can this problem be addressed?
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04.09.2014 22:14:41

Posts: 245
What is it what you are doing when you say ".. when importing translations from an xlf file" ?
Is your source file an XLIFF file? What means "importing translations" ?

In your previous data file the trans-unit was set as not to be translated: translate="no"
This means that the target text ("10A") was still set as not to be used. RC-WinTrans does not remove the target text when a transl-unit is set as not to be translated.
The target could also removed for the previous trans-unit.

It is not clear to me what have been the processes (command, function) for getting the trans-unit to the right.
I think a reason could be that the trans-unit was set as not to be translated. But on the other hand the trans-unit was added newly (!) (state="new") by RC-WinTrans.

Is the data file (trans-unit left side) created by RC-WinTrans X8? The other one to the right with RC-WinTrans 9?

Please answer my questions. Maybe this can help me.

Support, Schaudin.com
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