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Home » RC-WinTrans Support » Multiple Errors and Corruption of rc-wintrans

For support issues and specific questions related to RC-WinTrans' use, features and functions.
05.10.2016 08:16:22

greg roberts
greg roberts
Posts: 4
In recent months our build use or rcwintrans9.exe (v9.4.0.9 has become unstable). We upgraded to v9.4.0.76 with the same result.
Some errors are recoverable after a reboot, in other cases an uninstall is needed and a re-install , i.e. running rcwinrans interactively comes up with a popup error.
We use Windows 8.1
We have changed our logic to call RWTCMD.exe more times with less projects. And are trialling a wrapper for RWTCMD.exe to terminate rcwintrans.exe if it is still running to see if we can get stable builds. And use of

So three questions arise :

- is there additional debug other than the log file ? e.g. the rcwintrans output going to log, e.g. Error (95) The file is read only...
- suggestions to make our system stable ?
- Does /IsProjectUpTodate need the arguments ? Without this will it update all projects ?
The help has () around the arguments, so I am not sure if these are optional.


An example of a manual session can be seen below

"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCmd.exe" /UpdateAll "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Ri
o\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.rwtproject" zh-chs /a /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTr
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCm
d.exe" /WriteAllTargetFiles "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Rio\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.r
wtproject" zh-chs /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.log"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCmd.exe" /UpdateAll "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Ri
o\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.rwtproject" ja /a /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCm
d.exe" /WriteAllTargetFiles "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Rio\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.r
wtproject" ja /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.log"
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCmd.exe" /UpdateAll "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Ri
o\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.rwtproject" ko /a /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCm
d.exe" /WriteAllTargetFiles "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Rio\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.r
wtproject" ko /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.log"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCmd.exe" /UpdateAll "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Ri
o\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.rwtproject" es /a /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCm
d.exe" /WriteAllTargetFiles "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Rio\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.r
wtproject" es /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.log"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCmd.exe" /UpdateAll "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Ri
o\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.rwtproject" fr /a /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCm
d.exe" /WriteAllTargetFiles "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Rio\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.r
wtproject" fr /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.log"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCmd.exe" /UpdateAll "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Ri
o\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.rwtproject" de /a /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCm
d.exe" /WriteAllTargetFiles "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Rio\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.r
wtproject" de /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.log"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCmd.exe" /UpdateAll "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Ri
o\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.rwtproject" it /a /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCm
d.exe" /WriteAllTargetFiles "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Rio\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.r
wtproject" it /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.log"
The remote procedure call failed and did not execute. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BF)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCmd.exe" /UpdateAll "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Ri
o\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.rwtproject" ru /a /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCm
d.exe" /WriteAllTargetFiles "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Rio\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.r
wtproject" ru /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.log"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCmd.exe" /UpdateAll "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Ri
o\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.rwtproject" pt /a /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RC-WinTrans\Program\RWTCm
d.exe" /WriteAllTargetFiles "F:\tfs\SCADA_Rio\Rio\Development\CitectSCADA\Localization\Prebuild.r
wtproject" pt /log "F:\tfs\Email\RC-WinTrans.log"
Unable to cast COM object of type 'RCWinTrans.ApplicationClass' to interface type 'RCWinTrans.IDu
alRWTApp'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the int
erface with IID '{B3DB1E36-4E42-4D4C-A738-1DDEAA83A381}' failed due to the following error: The R
PC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA).

edited by greg roberts on 05.10.2016
edited by greg roberts on 05.10.2016
0 permalink
11.10.2016 11:28:18

Posts: 245
Hello Greg,

> So three questions arise :


> is there additional debug other than the log file ? e.g. the rcwintrans output going to log, e.g. Error (95) The file is read only...
No. No additional debug/error informations.

> Does /IsProjectUpTodate need the arguments ? Without this will it update all projects ?
> The help has () around the arguments, so I am not sure if these are optional.
Yes. The argument "TargetLangCode" is required.
There is no options to get the information for all target languages at once.

> suggestions to make our system stable ?
RC-WinTrans uses a large number of COM objects. At least one COM object for each translation unit.
The memory use and the used COM objects increases proportionally with each target language prcessed/load
within one RC-WinTrans session. Most COM objects are not released until the .NET garbage collection (GC)
clears the GC when RC-WinTrans is closed.

Process only one language at a time/session.
For the command /UpdateAll and /WriteAllTargetFiles do not use /a so RC-WinTrans is closed after the command.
Maybe it is necessary (or a good idea) to wait (delay) a while (e.g ~1 min. it depends) to give the .NET GC the time
to free the memory and therefor to release the COM objects before running the commands for the next target language.

Example :

rem Update for all languages
rem do not use /a so RC-WinTrans is closed when the command is done.
rem Wait/delay before the next command will start RC-WinTrans again

rem Japanese -- /WriteAllTargetFiles
rem do not use /a so RC-WinTrans is closed when the command is done.
/WriteAllTargetFiles projfilename ja
rem Wait/Delay ~1 min., the next command will start RC-WinTrans again

rem Chinese -- /WriteAllTargetFiles 9
rem do not use /a so RC-WinTrans is closed when the command is done.
/WriteAllTargetFiles projfilename zh-chs
rem Wait/Delay ~1 min, the next command will start RC-WinTrans again

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 11.10.2016
0 permalink
14.10.2016 04:34:12

greg roberts
greg roberts
Posts: 4
Still get intermittent errors though more common now. i.e. we can have a good run for the exactly the same files as the next run which has issues.
Have passed on hints to developers and we are continuing with trials.
NB: We are processing one language at a time

Thus the issue has a "random" characteristic. Memory is good. VMs are configured for 6G
Startup crash call stack is v9.4.076
> RCWinTrans9.exe!0058e331() Unknown
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for RCWinTrans9.exe]
RCWinTrans9.exe!0054760f() Unknown
RCWinTrans9.exe!00549a82() Unknown
RCWinTrans9.exe!0054d51d() Unknown
RCWinTrans9.exe!004ede62() Unknown
RCWinTrans9.exe!00552a55() Unknown
EAX = 00000000 EBX = 00000000 ECX = 02CD2980 EDX = 02CD2A08 ESI = 00000000 EDI = 00000000 EIP = 0058E331 ESP = 0018FA30 EBP = 0018FA74 EFL = 00010246
edited by greg roberts on 14.10.2016
0 permalink
03.11.2016 00:27:14

greg roberts
greg roberts
Posts: 4
Outcome - the following changes now work for us :
- build one language at a time
- don't use session 0 (i.e. a scheduled task or TFS build not in "interactive mode"), i.e. build interactively
- close rcwintrans between calls from rwtcmd.exe
0 permalink
07.11.2016 20:29:15

Posts: 245
Hello Greg,

I want to let you know that we will have a new implementation/solution for the command line.

The new command line will fix the problems you still have/had. The new solution is starting/using the RC-WinTrans
application directly -- not via the command line tool as COM server.

The current command line tool RWTCmd.exe will stay available to use.

The new command line will be available with RC-WinTrans 11 in February/March 2017.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 18.11.2016
0 permalink

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