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Home » RC-WinTrans Support » Error (305)

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04.03.2011 08:03:44

Posts: 15
Our translators in China get the error message
COpenXLIFFFilesystemDBbased::Init: Data file could not be extracted from database! Language: "zh-CHS"
Error (305): The data file (DOM) could not be loaded: "zh-CHS."

What does that mean?

They are using RC-WinTrans 9.1 Translator on a .NET Winforms project translating resx files.

Their statusbar shows translation status of 100%/100%, but if they send us the file, we see that only 83% are translated.
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07.03.2011 10:46:12

Posts: 245
Hello MichaelTR,

the reason may be that the translator has been given the project definition file (.rwtproject) and not the database file (.fsmdb).
Did you send him the .fsmdb database file? The .fsmdb file is the only file your translator needs.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 08.03.2011
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17.03.2011 11:42:56

Posts: 15
I found the problem:
There were german umlauts in the file and pathnames of the resx files.
All these files could not be translated on a chinese PC.

I understand we shouldn't use these characters, but maybe you could fix this in the next release.
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18.03.2011 20:17:42

Posts: 245
We cannot reproduce a problem using German umlauts in the path or in the file name.

I think there was such a problem (a bug) for the target language with the language code "zh-CHS." I still do not know the details. Try it with other target languages and see if it works.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 23.03.2011
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24.03.2011 08:22:20

Posts: 15
The problem exists also on a japanese PC.
It's not a problem of the target language, it's a problem of the PC used for tranlation.
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24.03.2011 20:51:06

Posts: 245
Yes. We've verified this.
A German umlaut in the path name causes this error when the Windows system uses a code page other than Western code page 1252.
edited by Support on 31.03.2011
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13.09.2012 00:33:32

Posts: 1
We've been getting almost the same error, with one exception. In our case, the error message displays:
Error (305): The data file (DOM) could not be loaded: "ఌ."
This is happening on a Vista machine using code page 1252, locale set to US-English. It looks as if the character is random, depending on the time of day or any other condition, there is no way of predicting what it will be the next time around.
There are no German umlaut characters in any path names. Our project's source language is English, target language is French.
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25.09.2012 23:47:20

Posts: 245
Hello Burckhardt,

is your translation project using XML (.rwtxlf) data files for the database or an .fsmdb database file?
Are there one or more source files in the project?

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 09.10.2012
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30.07.2016 17:01:48

Posts: 4
Adding to this thread, as I have the same error but a very different scenario. I have a fairly large 5-lingual translation project (the db file is over 2 GB). the project itself is a single RC file containing a plethora of menus, dialogs, and string tables.
I spent about 2 days performing hotkey checks and resizings specifically on Brazilian Portuguese. Occasionally - like every hour or so - Wintrans would exit with an error but, nuisance aside, I have always been able to resume my work, never losing data. Until yesterday, when I tried to re-open the project, I got this:

COpenXLIFFFilesystemDBbased::Init: Data file could not be extracted from database! Language: "pt-BR"; File: "C:\AWANG\RCWIN\RCWin9\X5\2016.07\1. FIGSP\TTSRes.rc"
Error (305): The data file (DOM) could not be loaded: "pt-BR."

The other languages are still there and look fine, but Portuguese is devoid of data for either the source or the target. I can reconstruct the project if I have to; but, since I am pressured for time, I would love to recover my work on hotkeys and resizing, which is only stored somewhere in the database, provided that it isn't gone for good. Any suggestion?

Note: I have since found this thread and tried the fix suggested, but to no avail

Thank you
edited by SB_Cakewalk on 31.07.2016
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01.08.2016 13:37:20

Posts: 245
Hello Stefano,

the data for pt-BR will be lost but the project you can continue to use.

To Do:
- open the project and delete the language pt-BR.
- reopen the project
- add the language pt-BR newly
- import the data for pr-BR from an older keeed project or import
the data form a translated pt-BR rc file.

> Occasionally - like every hour or so - Wintrans would exit with an error but, nuisance aside, I have always been able to resume my work...
The size of the project's file (the data loaded into memory) may cause this problem when you working (opening/accessing )
more the one target language during one RC-WinTrans session. RC-WinTrans loads all data (for a language opened/used)
into memory. All (non-used) data (and COM objects) in memory are cleared (by the .NET garbage collection)
not before RC-WinTrans is closed.

Support, Schaudin.com
edited by Support on 01.08.2016
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